Happy and healthy birds produce healthy and great tasting eggs.  Once you try our eggs it will ruin you on mass produced eggs forever.  Fresh eggs from our Farmstead have deep yellow orange yolks and solid whites compared to the watery whites and faded yellow color of store bought eggs.

Why Our Eggs Have Better Color and Texture

  • First and foremost our birds are not confined.  They free range across our land and are free to feed on insects, wild seeds and fresh pasture forage.  This is the natural diet of ducks.  When you buy eggs that promise a 100% vegetarian diet in the store, you are buying eggs from birds that are constantly confined.  That in fact is the only way to guarantee a vegetarian diet because ducks are omnivores.
  • Our birds spend countless hours pursuing grass hoppers and other insects and in turn only consume about 60% of the prepared feed they would if we confined them.  It is a combination of this exceptional wild based diet and daily exercise that keeps our birds at the peak of health and producing top quality eggs.
  • For prepared feed we feed our birds on Texas Natural’s Feed which is 100% non GMO and free from any soy products as well.  If you are looking for this feed in our area we buy ours from Russell Feeds We also feed our birds sprouted black oil sunflower daily which is a super food that provides an incredible nutrition boost and the birds absolutely love it.

Cost of Our Duck Eggs

We sell our duck eggs for $10.00 a dozen.  Now let us warn you, try duck eggs and you may never buy a chicken egg again.  Duck eggs are rich and have amazing yolks, if you like eggs over easy, sunny side up, etc. duck eggs are for you.  You will almost never break a yolk because they are firm and hold together so well.

Duck eggs are also amazing for baking and for egg wash for breading fried foods.  There are times when we actually consider going to 100% ducks on our farm because their eggs are just that good.  In fact for our personal use we now use duck eggs for all our personal egg needs.  Yes, they are that good.

How to Buy our Eggs

We ask that you call 866-821-FARM to confirm that we currently have eggs available and set up a time to pick up your eggs. Be advised we have very little surplus right now.  We pretty much stay sold out and our existing customers get first crack at our monthly production.  Right now we can work some people in but mostly are running a waiting list.


To Reserve Your Eggs Just Call Dorothy Toll Free at 866-821-FARM and she will get you all squared away.

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