New Pricing and Egg Updates for 2016


Well guys the new year is upon us and it is time to update everyone on some things.

First we are raising our price to an even 8 dollars a dozen for all customers.  We have granted special pricing to a few customers over the last year and we have been in general selling at 7.50 a dozen.  That said we remain constantly sold out and our work load and expenses dictate that we move to a uniform pricing model.  As owners of a small farm we spend a lot of hours and a lot of money to produce a premium product, we try to balance this in setting our price.  This new price is fair and about 4 dollars less then duck eggs at Whole Foods when and if you can find them there.

Next for at least 30-45 more days we are going to continue to not take new customers.  Unfortunately several weeks ago a coyote killed over 24 of our ducks and our 2 geese.  Jack was able to eventually shoot the coyote and she is no longer a threat.  But this came at the absolute worse time of the year.  In the winter ducks simply lay less, many of the birds we lost were mature layers.  We have not taken new customers in about a month at this point and it will be at least that long before we take any new customers.

Following the above, current customers will have longer wait times for at least another month and we have an absolute hard limit of 4 dozen eggs per customer.  In some instances as we work down our list we may offer some customers say 2 dozen for the time being.  We are doing all we can to be fair to every customer and do so with our currently limited production.

We have taken measures to rectify the situation.  First we installed artificial timed lights, this is helping but the effect is limited.  One cannot force a duck to lay and frankly we would not do so if we could.  The health and happiness of our animals is our top priority.  We brought in new birds this fall that will also begin to lay in February and over the next 60 days laying of all the birds will increase as part of the natural cycle.

Additionally we purchased 8 mature muscovy ducks and 15 that are about 4 months old at considerable expense as a stop gap.  These girls are laying a bit right now and should be at full on capacity by the beginning of February.

As a final note we are no longer going to be offering a deposit return on egg cartons.  The program just wasn’t that popular and our cost on cartons in quantity is only 28 cents a unit, in doing a 50 cent return program we were costing ourselves money.  Small farms can’t do that over the long term.

I do want to say that we absolutely love all of our customers.  We love being a place your kids can come to and see where their food comes from, we love hearing about how our product is improving your health or in many cases making eating eggs possible for some who can’t eat chicken eggs.

We will be working hard to bring more to you in the coming months.  We currently have 60 plus quail in house that should start laying in about a month and will be adding quail eggs to our offering.  We will also be bringing out a line of amazing loose leaf teas and possibly baby and micro green salad mixes by March.

Thanks to everyone who has been kind enough to offer us your business.  And thank you for understanding this is real farming, there are times of limited production.  For those that wish to become customers when production ramps back up, just fill out our email update form on the right.  We will let you know when production comes back up.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Rach

    Great post. We’re a small farm in Australia selling duck eggs and it’s great to see what you’re experiencing. Keep up the good work!

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