S2 – Duck Chronicles Episode Eight – Three New Baby Mallards Doing Great

babyducksIn Season Two – Duck Chronicles Episode Eight – Three New Baby Mallards Doing Great we start out with morning bath time with the main flock in the three quarter acre food forest.  We see that both the Brothers Green and the Mini Brothers Green are coming into full on fall beauty.

Buddy and Joe show up for Goose Cam but they just don’t have any mean really left in them so it is more look at the camera then attack it.  We take a stroll over to the other side of the property and see the damage the Two Assclowns (Charlie and Max) did to the baby duck enclosure last night in a full on run.  No ducks or dog were harmed, just one more thing to fix as always.

The baby girls are doing great and likely only three weeks away from  full flock integration.  The quail are at least half way grown now, doing well and loving the extras after micro green harvest.  Going to have to find a way to allow Dorothy to move the quail tractor when I am gone though.

Lastly we check in on Broody Mama Muscovy (AKA Sweet Girl) who is now no longer sweet and defending her babies with the care only a mom can.  After a bumpy start with her first brood she has it down now.  It appears all the eggs she hatched and kept babies from are from “Little Browns” clutch we found hidden in the bushes.  So we have three new baby mallards.

The end got cut off here due to too much video on the phone and needing to delete some.  What got left off is basically that we are doing our work on a very difficult property to show what can be done and we are doing it at a large scale.

One Note – the actual cubic yards to cover 3 acres in 4 inches is about 1500, don’t know what I was thinking when I said that crazy large number.  Still 1500 yards at 10 dollars a yard is 15,000 dollars.  Think about that.

Many of the “all you need to do” suggestions are given with good intention but don’t address the reality of where we are, the scale we operate at and the time and money constraints everyone has.

I actually feel there is a big danger in Permaculture with what I call “over simplified all you need to do is thinking”.

I will have a video out soon (not part of the chronicles) to address that.  Because I think this does a lot of harm to permaculture’s credibility.  This is from well-intentioned individuals, who simply do not know, what they do not know.

Sometimes in the micro and often even in the macro view of the complex design considerations of permaculture, specifically at broader scales then the quarter acre suburban gardens most permies are working in.

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